We deeply care for your account's safety
Bot sells you gold 24/7. No human interaction is required. You will receive your gold literally instantly
Unlike other sites, we prominently display our gold availability and service status for complete transparency
No government IDs or phone numbers are required. A simple payment through PayPal is all you need to receive your gold instantly
Q: Are your Vindictus gold botted?
A: No, botting items on Vindictus requires hacking knowledge and access to numerous computers. I possess neither of these resources. I understand, however, that the full automation of this site might have given you a false impression
Q: How did you make a bot that can buy our items listed on the
A: The bot operates using computer vision software and does not inject .dll files into the game. It simply searches for the item that you've listed on the Marketplace, then purchases the item that matches both your character name and the gold amount
Q: When do you restock?
A: Gold will be restocked at random times throughout the day. This strategy is intended to prevent individuals with quick reflexes from buying up all the gold during periods of shortage
Q: Do you accept other payment methods?
We currently accept only three payment options: PayPal, Bitcoin, and E-transfers
Q: Why is there a fee from Paypal when Sending Money?
A: PayPal charges a variable fee depending on your payment source. The fee structure is as follows: PayPal Balance incurs the smallest fee, followed by Bank Debit Cards, with Credit Cards attracting the highest fee
PayPal Balance (smallest fee) < Bank Debit Cards < Credit Cards (highest fee)
Q: Can I get Banned From Buying Your Gold? [Updated]
A: It's unlikely. We boast 0 bans from December 10, 2020 to Mar 7 2024 and have taken extreme measures to prevent any bans for our customers. As of recent, Nexon has been cracking down on all gold transactions and have also implemented autoban for suspicious marketplace transactions. We have figured out a way to bypass autoban and obfuscate gold traffic by using multiple accounts and severely limiting daily gold volume per account. It was very tedious procedure but we always prioritize on preventing bans. We would like to live up to being the most reputable gold vendor for Vindictus after all +fight
Q: NEW: Should I use an alt account to purchase gold that is below level 90?
A: As of October 18, 2022, all accounts below level 90 will experience a three-day wait time for all marketplace transactions. Consequently, you should AVOID purchasing gold using accounts that are below level 90
For bulk orders, please get in touch with the site operator to arrange a deal
If you're interested in selling your gold, please contact us using the information provided below
Discord: pinanosmurf